The old diary, tyres and submersible pump |
It might not look like much but this tiny part of our five acres has been the focus of our most expensive works since we moved here 18 months ago. And there's nothing to show for it!
Because our little farmlet was the result of a subdivision, our water supply was still connected to the neighbouring farm's. The same pump was filling their cow troughs and our toilet. $5000 later and the problem has been fixed .... at our expense as the pump is on our land.
Right next to this pesky pump is a pile of old tyres. It turns out 155 car tyres and 14 truck tyres were left on the property, which we inadvertently purchased with the house and land. The only legal way to dispose of them is to have them taken away to a special facility that shreds them and passes them on to be recycled. Having them removed set us back another $1200.
Infant orchard |
On the positive side, we just finished planting the orchard. Last year we put in four apples and a lemon. Actually there's a funny story here. There was a fruit tree already growing slap bang in the middle of our planned path. Dad told me he thought it was a mulberry. I LOVE mulberries and really wanted to save the tree. It was surrounded by heavy duty wire and it had grown so large it was being strangled. I snipped all the wire away and the Gander transplanted it into our new orchard. A couple of months later it sprouted some leaves ... and then nine cherries! Yum. I love cherries too and they grow very well in this climate. Anyway, we just planted an apricot, a peacherine, a greengage, an orange and a crab apple. There's one spot left for an avocado - we'll plant that in spring and see how it goes.
Planting fruit trees is exciting. Well, for me anyway. We planted a cherry and an apricot when we were first here and lost a lemon to a really bad winter (-7C temps overnight - it froze solid) and this year we've just planted two apples, two pears and another cherry. I really want to get another 5 in before Spring hits us properly, but I don't think it's going to happen.